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Fossil Plotopterid Seabirds from the Eo-Oligocene of the Olympic Peninsula (Washington State, USA): Descriptions and Functional Morphology




The plotopterids (Aves, Plotopteridae) were a group of extinct wing-propelled marine birds that are known from Paleogene-aged sediments (Eocene to Miocene), mostly around the Pacific Rim (especially Japan and the northwest coast of North America). While these birds exhibit a strikingly similar wing morphology to penguins (Spheniscidae), they also share derived characters with pelecaniform birds that are absent in penguins and exhibit apparently superficial similarities with auks (Alcidae: Charadriiformes). Despite quite an abundant fossil record, these birds have been little studied, and in particular their functional morphology remains little understood. Here we present osteological overviews of specimens from the northwest coast of Washington state (USA). We give an amended diagnosis for the well-represented North American genus, Tonsala Olson, 1980, describe a new large species, and examine the functional morphology of plotopterids showing that the ratio of humeral strength to femoral strength is quite low in one well-represented species Tonsala buchanani sp.nov., relative to both extant penguins and alcids. While the femoral strength of Tonsala buchanani is ‘penguin-grade’, its humeral strength is more ‘alcid-grade’. These results have implications for understanding the mode-of-locomotion of these extinct marine birds. Although not related to Spheniscidae, our descriptions and functional results suggest that Tonsala buchanani sustained similar loads in walking, but slightly lower humeral loads during swimming, than a modern penguin. This suggests a swimming mode that is more similar to living alcids, than to the highly-specialised locomotor strategy of living and fossil penguins.
机译:直翅目鸟类(Aves,Plotopteridae)是一组已灭绝的由机翼推动的海洋鸟类,这些鸟类从古近纪时代的沉积物中(始新世到中新世)而闻名,主要分布在环太平洋地区(尤其是日本和北美的西北海岸)。尽管这些鸟类的翅膀形态与企鹅(Spheniscidae)极为相似,但它们也与企鹅中不存在的pelecaniform鸟类具有相同的衍生特征,并且与auks具有明显的表面相似性(Alcidae:Charadriiformes)。尽管化石记录非常丰富,但是对这些鸟类的研究很少,尤其是对它们的功能形态还鲜为人知。在这里,我们介绍了华盛顿州(美国)西北海岸标本的骨科概述。我们对著名的北美属Tonsala Olson(1980年)进行了修正的诊断,描述了一个新的大种,并检查了鳞翅目动物的功能形态,结果表明,在一个代表性良好的国家中,肱骨力量与股骨力量的比率非常低物种Tonsala buchanani sp.nov。,相对于现存的企鹅和类蜥蜴而言。 Tonsala buchanani的股骨力量为“企鹅级”,而其肱骨力量更为“ alcid级”。这些结果对于理解这些灭绝的海鸟的运动方式具有启示意义。尽管与Spheniscidae无关,但我们的描述和功能结果表明,与现代企鹅相比,Tonsala buchanani在行走时承受的负荷相似,但在游泳过程中的肱骨负荷略低。这表明,与高度活跃的活体企鹅和化石企鹅的运动策略相比,游泳模式与活体的类比动物更相似。



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